Become a member
Membership : The membership of the society shall be restricted by the following clauses:
Life Member : All members will be life members. Ophthalmologist with Degree or Diploma in Ophthalmology registered with State Medical Council (recognized by the Indian Medical council) who practices Ophthalmology as a specialty in the revenue Division area of Indore shall be eligible for membership. Application for membership shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary on a prescribed form duly proposed and seconded by two member of the society who has a personal knowledge of the applicant. All applications shall be considered and approved by the Executive Committee and membership will be ratified by the General Body.
Honorary Members : Persons who have rendered unequivocal service to the promotion of Ophthalmology will be eligible to be conferred honorary membership on the recommendation of the executive committee. Also, after continuous membership of 30yrs the executive committee may consider a member for offering Hon. Membership. Eminent ophthalmologists who are not the member of society can also be conferred Hon. Membership of Society on approval of the Executive. Persons approved by Executive for Hon. Membership shall be conferred the same at the next General Body Meeting. Hon. Member will be entitled to participate in all the activities of the society but shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting or hold any office. Present and past Presidents of All India Ophthalmologic Society will be made honorary members of the society.
Associate life Member (ALM) : Eye specialist practicing in any part of Indian union or living abroad having residence at Indore with qualification similar to RLM can be entitled to apply for ALM. They shall not be entitled to attend GBM are to vote or hold office in IDOS, otherwise other privilege will be same as RLM.
- Pg member – All P.G. students of ophthalmology in the medical colleges of Indore division shall be entitled to apply for a “PG” Membership. The PG Members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office or attend the General Body meeting. Otherwise the privileges, at the scientific meetings of the Society, shall be similar to the RLM.
Membership Eligibility: In addition to the qualification written herein above, a member is also required to fulfill the following conditions:
Is above 18 year old
He not been convicted for any illegal act or no criminal records.
Understand the aims and objectives of the society and desirous to fulfill it.
Those who apply and pay membership fees may be a member.
The Governing body has the power to accept or’ reject applications for the membership of the society.
Cessation Of Membership : The Membership of Society shall cease:
By voluntary resignation of the member.
By a decision of the Executive Committee by a 2/3rd majority to delete the name of any member from the register of membership for unprofessional behavior or conduct provided, the decision is ratified at the next General Body Meeting. Before any such action is taken the offending member shall be served a notice in writing to appear before the Executive Committee to explain his conduct.
The member is declared insolvent.
Upon death of a member.
Upon a member being declared defaulter on two occasions during a calendar year.
In case of the conduct of the member being found injurious to the reputation and interest of the Society or in any event, which is likely to disturb the order and its surroundings. The decision of the executive committee shall be final.
Subscription : Regular membership fee is 1770/-, Pg membership fee is 1180/-
Neft Details Become A Member
Account No- 524901010037206
IFSC Code- UBINO552496
Nick Name- idos